Ghana @68: A Modest Celebration

Ghana @68: A Modest Celebration

Ghana @68: A Modest Celebration

 In light of Ghana's current economic challenges, President John Dramani Mahama has announced a scaled-down approach for the nation's 68th Independence Day celebration.

 Departing from the traditional grand parade at Independence Square, this year's event will be a modest ceremony held at the forecourt of the Presidency. 

This decision aims to reduce expenses and reflects the government's commitment to prudent financial management.

Ghana @68: A Modest Celebration

The theme for the 2025 Independence Day commemoration is "Reflect, Review, Reset." Activities will include a Guard of Honour by security agencies, cultural performances, and a national address by President Mahama. Notably, there will be no parades or marches involving security personnel and schoolchildren.

Additionally, the government has suspended the rotational policy of hosting Independence Day celebrations in different regions, opting instead for a centralized event at the Presidency. 

This measure is part of broader efforts to cut costs and ensure a more sustainable approach to national events.

The National Celebrations Planning Committee has also unveiled the official logo for the 68th Independence Anniversary, symbolizing the nation's resilience and unity.

 Media outlets are encouraged to engage the public in discussions related to the anniversary theme, fostering a collective reflection on Ghana's journey and future aspirations.

Ghana @68: A Modest Celebration

These adjustments underscore the government's dedication to celebrating Ghana's independence in a manner that aligns with current economic realities while preserving the significance of the occasion.

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