Africa’s Military Powerhouses: The Top 10 Strongest Armies in 2025

 1. Egypt (Pwr Indx: 0.3427)

Egypt maintains its position as Africa's leading military power, ranking 19th globally.

Africa’s Military Powerhouses: The Top 10 Strongest Armies in 2025

2. Algeria (Pwr Indx: 0.3589)

Algeria stands as the second-strongest military in Africa and 26th worldwide. 

3. Nigeria (PwrIndx: 0.5771)

Nigeria has risen to the third position in Africa, ranking 31st globally. 

4. South Africa (PwrIndx: 0.6889)

South Africa ranks fourth in Africa and 40th globally. 

5. Ethiopia (PwrIndx: 0.9305)

Ethiopia holds the fifth spot in Africa and 52nd globally. 

6. Angola (PwrIndx: 1.0961)

Angola is positioned sixth in Africa and 56th worldwide.

7. Morocco (PwrIndx: 1.1273)

Morocco ranks seventh in Africa and 59th globally. 

8. Democratic Republic of the Congo (PwrIndx: 1.3111)

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) holds the eighth position in Africa and 66th globally. 

9. Sudan (PwrIndx: 1.4756)

Sudan is ranked ninth in Africa and 73rd globally. 

10. Libya (PwrIndx: 1.4449)

Libya rounds out the top ten, ranking 76th globally. 

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